Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Lucky Red Bean

In my travels this week for scrapbook supplies I came across some Guatemalan items. Of all places it was in Monroe, Michigan. (you know the new Guatemalan scrapbook supply center :) The store had worry dolls and other items I had seen before but then I came across the Legend of the Red Bean. I had never heard of it before and I thought you would enjoy it also. It reads as such:
When you walk in the highlands of Guatemala and find a red bean, it means you will have good luck. You can tell the bean your wishes and keep it in your pocket. Use it again and again-- this bean's luck never runs out!
For $1.00 we now are the proud owners of a lucky Guatemalan Red Bean! We have made some wishes, I guess that we just wait for the luck to come. At this point in time we are willing to try anything to bring Mia home!!

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