Monday, September 15, 2008

Stitches - Now with Pictures

Yes we have had our first round of stitches here today. We had always thought that our fearless child Mia would be the one to get them first, but Ethan proved us wrong. Ethan split his forehead open on the corner of a doorframe at the baby sitter's house. He hit it so hard that he took a chunk of drywall from the wall. Thankfully Amy was still there and saw it happen. There was blood everywhere but Ethan calmed down relatively quickly. Amy who has never done well with blood, proceeded to vomit and almost passed out. After a trip to the ER and 6 stitches, Ethan was back to himself in no time. Ethan was a real trooper, he even took a nap while they were putting the stitches in! When we came home he wanted to run around outside and play hide and seek. It seemed to bother Mama much more than Ethan. It was quite a day and we are exhausted from this unexpected excitement. We pray that we never have this much excitement again!


Stacy F said...

Oh how scary!! That same thing happened to Makenzie when she was 18 months old. She was walking down the hallway and tripped and hit her forhead on a door frame. It split right open and there was tons of blood. She ended up needing 10 stitches.

Jill said...

Oh, no! Prayers for Ethan (and AMY!)! I am trying to keep the stitches at bay for a while with this little maniac! Yikes!

I Love the farm pics!!!!!!!!

I am sure that I asked, but what kind of camera???

Heidi said...

Scary! It is always so hard to see your kids get hurt.

Katie said...

Awww.. poor little guy

Our Family of 5 said...

Oh No Ethan!! I am hoping you heal super fast and you and Mommy recover quickly. Realy do you ever get over seeing your kids hurt or in pain? It just breaks my heart. Thanks for your kind words on Sophia's blog.

Christina said...

Oh wow, that had to be really scarey.

Young Creations said...

Hello Amy,
So sorry for the stiches. I am glad to hear that everything turned out ok and you have such a brave little guy.
Thanks for the comments.
FIGHT ON!!! (for USC)
Delta Love,

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness, that had to be so hard as a Mom. I can't even imagine. I remember when Ava fell down many hard steps backwards at a friends house. It landed us in the ER with a cat scan and a popsicle. Fortunately she was fine. But very scary! I will pray for a speedy recovery. :)

Greta Jo said...

OMG! Thank God Ethan is ok. How is Amy doing?

Majewski Family said...

Wow Amy! Sorry to hear of Ethan's stitches and glad to hear he is doing well! You have beat me to stitches. So far, knock on wood, not a one of my four girls has required stitches.